Paul Castain's Blog

Play #12:3 Ingredients That Make Or Break Your Brand

Posted January 21, 2009

Michael Eisner once said: “A brand is a living entity- and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures

Here are 3 ways your brand is going to be judged

The Visual You:

People judge with their eyes first. How do you look? Do you look professional? Do you look approachable? Do you look competent, confident, friendly etc? Do you look successful? Have you thought through your wardrobe, or is it something that just sort of happened?

Paul’s wake up call: For years, people would come up to me at networking events and ask me if I was pissed. My response was something along the lines of “I wasn’t, but I am now” After some serious introspection, I realized that I was going through life with a look on my face that projected “pissed” A simple smile can and will go a long way.

When was the last time you video taped yourself for a nice old fashioned reality check?

When you take notes; do you use a shitty bic pen? How about your computer bag? Does it look like it was dragged through a construction site?

When you do a presentation are your visuals memorable? How is the look of your website, your brochures, letterhead etc. How do your proposals look?

You . . . The Act!

How do you act? Do you act professionally? Do you act as a resource? Note: when I say resource, I don’t mean the kind of resource that your customers need to have a check in hand for you to be a resource? Do you give value upfront? Are you a good listener? When you get together with others do you make them feel as if they are the most important person or do you make it all about you? When someone tells you something important to them, do you ask questions and show interest, or do you return fire with one of your own? Do you get a tad opinionated, political, religious, off color, inappropriate?

Are you salesy and resort to monkey style kung fu amateur closes that make your clients cringe?

Do you have energy? Do you package what you say and do with enthusiasm! Can you inspire others to action? How do you make others feel? Are you someone who is fun to be around. Are you, as we say in New Yawk a “Pissa”?

When people talk, behind your back, how would you want them to describe You . . . the act?

You and Your Words:

If someone asked you right now, what you do, could you rattle off an effective 30 second commercial? Would it be memorable? How’s your vocabulary? Do you have interesting ways of describing your products and services? Is your speech riddled with ums, you knows and a basically or three? Do you use weasel words like “probably” “maybe” “possibly”. Do you get a bit jargony?

How I say something can contribute to my brand too! If my tone is negative then that’s what’s going to be associated with my brand.

Today’s Reflection: Congruency

When we look at the total you, are all those ingredients in proper alignment? Are they congruent with the brand you hope to project to the world?

Start getting more intentional and more deliberate about the amazing brand we call You.

The seat of the pants shit that brought us this far isn’t going to cut it any more!
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