Paul Castain's Blog

Is Your Brand A "Bitchin Kitchen"?

Posted October 26, 2011

I was having a rare moment with the television the other day.

When I say a “rare moment” I mean that in the context that I was actually watching it.

I’m usually hanging out with my friends in Bon Jovi and Aerosmith . . . come on, fess up. Did I get you?

Didn’t think so 🙁

Actually I do more interesting stuff like writing this blog and training content for my clients.

So (and forgive me if this show has been around for a while) I come across this cooking show that actually stood out.

It’s called the “Bitchen Kitchen” and the dudette doing the cooking is “Nadia G”.

“Nadia G” plays the character of kind of tough talking Italian (or Eyetalian if you are from my side of the Joisey Turnpike)

During the show she’ll entertain you with some downright silly comments and she’ll interact with various characters to keep it interesting.

She even takes the microphone and kind of morphs into this “Punk Rock meets Eyetalian Cooking Chick”  type of thing.

As I said before . . . its silly . . . but . . .

That’s the point!

Its supposed to be silly and guess what?

Its also supposed to be different!

Want to know why?

Because there’s an overabundance of cooking shows!

Want to know why else?

Because there’s more than enough other shows competing for your attention?

They’ve chosen to be different!

I wonder if we face similar challenges with regard to . . .

Trying to stand out with our “audience” who’s more than a little bit distracted these days!

Now, I’m not advocating “silly” . . .

I’m just wondering if it might be time for us to give a little more thought to how we can stand out . . .

In a way that allows us to be true to ourselves and yet respectful to the audience we wish to “court”

Oh, and the time you spent reading this is typically more time than most of us spend thinking about our own personal brand.

13 thoughts on “Is Your Brand A "Bitchin Kitchen"?

  1. Another great post Paul, always have me thinking. Im going to have to start calling your blog “A Project a Day” for my purposes.

    Keep the hits coming!


  2. This really got me thinking.  Our world is filled with so much “sameness” and mediocrity.  In fact fitting in seems to be an objective for many folks. Therefore it seems only natural to want to stand out.  And, given these circumstances, it should not be that difficult.

    At the risk of sounding egotistical, the way I try to stand out is by being the REAL Marc all the time.  Each of us is unique in our own ways.  Why not accentuate that uniqueness?  Why try to blend in and be what others expect us to be or think we should be?  That’s boring and you might as well be a piece furniture; present, unnoticed and unappreciated.

    1. Marc,

      I really like your take on this. To your point if we were all exactly the same the world would be a pretty boring place. It hard enough being who we really are, let alone being someone we are not.

      Lets be proud of who we are and keep the world an interesting place.


    2. AMEN Marc!

      I believe it all starts with being mindful of who the “real me” is and  to a certain extent . . . how much of that do we want to show?

      There’s a part of the “real me” that might drop an “F” bomb when I’m hanging out with my friends . . . I don’t think that would fly here or in my classroom.

      I absolutely love what you had to say on this topic Marc.

      Thank you so much!

  3. Brilliant. Dare to stand out. Got it. Reminds me of my favourite quote by Goethe:

    you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in
    it.”Love it. Whenever I read that it always makes me gulp and do something different! There is always more stretching to be done with this. You could call it a daily workout for bold action!

    1. I will not only add this to my journal Jude . . . I’m going to start my day by reading it and acting on it!

      Thank you so much . . . You have opened my eyes Ms Jennison!

  4. Love your logic my friend!!  Personal branding is SO important for those of use trying to  make an impact on the internet (among the other however many hundreds of millions of billions of people) 🙂  I agree though, sometimes it takes just a little silliness, or reality, to make yourself stand out.  Well, not silly, but you get it.  You ALWAYS get it!!  Love your work Paul!! 

  5. How Nadia G. is spicin’ up the cooking show genre with her “bithcin kitchen” approach, is how Jedi Master and rock star Paul Castain is doing to the sales coaching marketplace with his rockin’ power melodies (training systems, courses, speaking, one-on-ones, webinars) and lead guitar-ing for Linkedin’s Sales Playbook Group.  For all aspiring sales rock stars, I recommend Paul Castain — and our mutual friend Joe Perry of Aerosmith 🙂

  6. Hey Paul,

     Most of what any of us tries to communicate  or “sell” is all about credibility.  If your don’t come across as genuine and genuine is different for all of us depending on your personality, it won’t be taken seriously.  There are so many phonies in the this world, being different might mean just be genuine!


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