Paul Castain's Blog

The Dude, The Dog & The Sale!

Posted January 28, 2010

Once upon a time, in a sales bull pen far, far away, there lived a dude, who had a rare gift. He was blessed with the ability to point his finger and label common knowledge as “common sense”.

He would show up reluctantly to the weekly sales meeting and indulge in “outer body experiences” Why? Because the material that was being taught was common sense!

On the rare occasion the dude would crack open a book or visit a website, he did so as the skeptic and never the scholar. Why? Because he heard it all before and this was just “common sense”!

The years were not kind to the dude and somewhere between his first “common sense”  and his first outer body experience , he became a very broke, bitter old dog who eventually died a very bitter, broke old dog.

As the old dog passed through the gates to the hereafter, he asked his creator why his life had turned out so poorly. His answer came swiftly and a lifetime too late . . .

“You were such a dumb ass  waiting for the big answer to which there was none. The secret to your happiness was in the common practice of common sense! Now leave me alone “dog boy” or I’ll send your ass on the down escalator”

Now that “Story time with Uncle Paul” has concluded, you need to understand that the “Dog” lives in each of us. He shows his face every now and again and eats our money like a bowl full of Kibbles (or even Alpo or Gravy Train)

STOP looking for the big answer, the big “AHA” because it does not exist! When it does, you and I can write the sure to be best seller “I Figured It The Hell Out!” Until then, the secret is in the common sense that isn’t commonly practiced!

Cure: The next time you find yourself saying “That’s Sales 101” Ask yourself a simple question: “Is it sales 101 and I’m doing it, or sales 101 and I need to be doing it?” And just for sh*ts and giggles, if you’re doing it already, ask yourself “Have I attained mastery of the ‘101ness’” If the answer is no to either question then that dog won’t hunt sista!

Uncle Paul’s Zen Moment: If you open yourself up to the “101ness” and embrace something called mastery. Your life will change in that instant. And if I may take on the image of some ancient Chinese Zen dude for a moment . . your big AHA and big answer will come in the form of enlightenment, awareness and new distinctions. Try seeking that Grasshopper!

That’s when you become lethal!

But that’s just common sense. 🙂

Paul “P-Dawg” Castain

Pointing his gun sideways and leading the Anti “101ness” movement!

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