My Story

Me, Paul Castain

A long time ago, in a sales cubicle far, far away …

Actually, my story begins way before that!

I started in sales at the ripe old age of 7, selling necklaces to hippies in my neighborhood. I even hired another kid and gave him a territory. Badass, right?

From there, I was that kid who sold comic books in day camp, bubble gum in middle school, and then started a successful guitar lesson business by the time I was 17! I sold it when I was 20 for $7 million. Not really, but it felt pretty cool writing that!

The summer I was supposed to get a 'real job' – to pay for my end of college – I grew my hair and played guitar in a local metal band.

My father wasn't having any of that. He promptly told me, "You're coming to work for me" as a manufacturer's rep selling to the graphic arts industry.

So I cut my hair went to work for a bald marine named Des Castain who did something for me I'll never forget.

He fought me tooth and nail for me to make something of my life and more specifically …

He saw the light in me long before I saw in myself.

When I finally applied myself, I discovered that I was actually pretty damn good at selling but …

I became so good that I decided I didn't need to learn anymore, and I certainly didn't need to keep hunting for new business.

I became arrogant after inheriting the business and within a few short years, I lost everything …

My business …

And both of my cars.

The next thing you know, I'm working nights to pay off $60,000 in debt!

It took me the better part of a decade to rebuild my life, but I did it and I became a humble student of sales in the process. I also became a way better human being but I'll deny that if you ever bring it up.

As fate would have it, I ended up reinventing myself while working for top companies like Jani-King, Dale Carnegie and a billion-dollar-a-year printing company, Consolidated Graphics but …

It wasn't enough!

So in 2011, I left my cushy job as a Vice President, emptied 3 bank accounts, and started Castain Training Systems!

And that ballsy move has given me the honor of training over 20,000 sales reps, sales leaders and business owners to sell more.

I guess I should mention that I've been featured in Selling Power Magazine, Success Magazine and Forbes.

When I'm not doing my 'Wax on – Wax off' bit with the sales profession …

I'm hanging out with the hot chick who was in my 12th grade music class (it's cool, we're married – happily I might add – since 1988) …

My three kids – who aren't so little anymore – 23, 21, and 19 …

My dog, a rambunctious chick named "Allie" …

And, I'm still playing my guitar and wondering if there's a market for old, fat, bald guys.

Oh, and I never forgot the part of the story where my dad saw the light in me before I saw it in myself.

It's that level of dedication that's enabled me to work with some of the top companies in the world.

But that's my 'story' and …

I'm super anxious to hear yours!

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Company Contact Information

Castain Training Systems
(631) 455-2455
Paul Castain, Founder & CEO

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