Paul Castain's Blog

How One Idiot Can Immobilize You!

Posted April 6, 2024

Isn’t it amazing how we can have 99 great things going on but an encounter with one idiot, becomes the focus?

In this week’s episode of The Sales Playbook Podcast, we’re going to explore some sound advice from a multi-millionaire (270 million net worth).

I’m also going to open up and tell you how I almost lost my business several years ago because of doing the exact opposite of this man’s advice!

Right click HeRe to download this episode or have a listen via the audio player below.

What are you doing to adapt to the changing sales landscape?

I created a very different type of sales training program where you and I work together, one-on-one, to achieve your sales goals.

How does it work?

We’ll start with my Sales X-Ray™ process where we take a deep dive into your strengths, challenges, opportunities as well as the qualities you want to develop.

From there, we’ll have a customized, one on one, session for 45 minutes every two weeks.

We’ll begin each session with accountability as you update me on the action items from our previous session.

After the update, you’ll have a choice between a customized training session, working through a current opportunity/challenge, or all of the above if time allows.

At the end of the session, we’ll create an action plan that will be applied between that session and the next.

Between sessions

You and I will stay in touch as you update me on your progress and submit your homework assignments.

You’ll be provided with feedback as you submit your assignments and update me.

You’ll be given email and LinkedIn templates, proven subject lines, phone and voicemail scripts, suggested needs analysis questions, and reinforcement PDFs as we go along.

You’re gonna LOVE this next feature

I’m going to be your personal help desk and will be at your disposal (via email) to offer guidance as needed.

Some examples of how this might work;

Need someone to review that email before you send it out? I got you covered.

Not sure how to respond to something? I got your back.

Someone roughing you up at the local bar, call me and I’ll smack the sh*t out of them. Not really, but I felt like a tough guy writing that!

What’s included?

(2) 45-minute coaching sessions per month.

Help desk support (via email) between sessions.

Email and LinkedIn templates, proven subject lines, phone and voicemail scripts, suggested needs analysis questions, and reinforcement PDFs as we cover those topics.

What’s the investment?

$400 per month.

Cancel At Any Time!

No contract and no long-term commitment are required.

What’s the next step?

Click HERE or the button below to pay for the first month. I’ll get in touch with you within 24 hours to schedule your first session.


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Company Contact Information

Castain Training Systems
(631) 455-2455
Paul Castain, Founder & CEO

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