Paul Castain's Blog

How To Change Things Up This Week!

Posted March 23, 2014

Want to avoid that “same old, same old!” feeling this week?

Here are 10 things you can do, this week, that will help you change it up . . .

1)    Remember that your phone calls are lonely and in need of some companionship from snail mail, FedEx, drop offs, drop by’s, email, traditional networking, social networking, referrals, content etc. There’s a whole world out there beyond phone calls.

2)    Take a good look at how you sequence your “touches”. Example (and a lame one at that) Many of you leave a voicemail and then immediately send an email. How can you change that up? So instead of a call then an email (and interrupting someone twice within 30 seconds) maybe you could send someone a private YouTube video with a quick 60 second message referencing how you will call them on a specific day and time and have that lead into the actual call. Changing this type of stuff helps you to stop boring the hell out of the people you’ve been calling (and then immediately emailing) And did I mention that I think that’s lame?

3)    How about some creativity? If you do it well, it’s a great opportunity to stand out from the masses . . . especially the ones who “always do what they’ve always done”. What the heck, here’s a free E-Book with 35 ways to prospect more creatively.

4)    Take a Look At Your Messaging: When was the last time you reviewed what you say and/ write? Think about your phone calls, voice mails, emails, notes you write, presentations you give, your elevator speech etc. Bonus points if you realize that this keeps you feeling fresh and that “freshness” and excitement has a crazy way of coming across to prospects and clients (the same way it comes across when you’ve been saying the same things too long)

5)    Change your scenery! Changing your scenery does wonders for your creativity too because your mind gets stimulated in new ways.  Hint: We’re starting to head into some awesome weather, how about making some of your phone calls outside, from your patio or a nearby park? Heck, even a different office or the conference room can give you 4 different walls to stare at while you work.

6)    Look at your routine and consider a departure from some of your “rituals”. Someone once told me that as creatures of habit we tend to default back to the very first way we learned something (hence the large amounts of adults who say “bye bye”) Be mindful of your “rituals” this week and make sure they are truly serving you!

7)    Consider mentally firing yourself from your industry and rehiring yourself in your prospect’s/client’s industry. Think about all the things that would annoy the hell out of you if you were them. When you get done with that, think about opportunities that once realized, would make you look like a rock star if you were them!

8)    When was the last time you went to a client/prospect with 1 idea? This could be the week that you change that dude!

9)    How about 1 thing for YOU that you’ve been putting off? Never underestimate the power of being a little selfish my friend! I triple dog dare you to actually do this one! I think I’m going to try and play my guitar a little more this week!

10)  Take action on one thing you learn on this blog this week. Reading something and dare I say, saying “I know that already” means nothing if you aren’t actually doing it!

So here’s the deal gang . . .

Trust me when I tell you its going to seem like someone  pushed the fast forward button on your week as 5:00 Friday suddenly appears.

How cool would it be heading home this Friday, knowing that you not only gave it your best shot, you changed it up a bit?

All we can do is try folks . . . whaddya say?

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If you haven’t, I’d do it soon  because enrollment ends in just about a week from now (March 31,2014)

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