Is the cold call dead?
Doesn’t matter because the sentiment is alive and well and quite frankly;
That’s a good thing!
Don’t get me wrong, on the surface, it’s a bad position to take because it limits you when you remove something like phone calls from your prospecting cadence, but;
It’s incredibly AWESOME when your competitors blow off the phone because they’ve bought into a myth!
Because if you’ve bought into the phone and they haven’t;
YOU get to stand out!
Case in point;
I’ve owned a business for 10 years now and 99% of the reps trying to sell me something send me emails and NEVER pick up the phone!
The reps that call me stand out because they have almost ZERO competition!
YOU also get to connect with those who prefer a phone call over email, text, LinkedIn, etc.
And if we’re being completely honest;
Going to the opposite extreme, as in putting ALL your prospecting efforts into the phone isn’t the way to go either!
Because not everyone (as in the people you’re trying to get in front of) likes the phone, therefore it can also limit your results.
Some of them prefer email.
Some prefer text.
Some prefer LinkedIn.
Some respond better to creativity.
So by all means embrace the phone and include it as PART of your overall prospecting plan!
How To Hunt For New Business MORE Effectively!
This program can help you . . .
Stand out
Get noticed, and . . .
Get in front of MORE opportunities!
In Session 1, we’re going to explore how you can seriously warm up your cold calls. We’ll talk about 3 different “scripts” that I’ve designed to be used during the pandemic. We’ll discuss how you can create a more objection-resistant dialogue while maintaining control of the call. And while we’re at it, we’ll discuss a revised objection handling formula that’s a must if you’re using the phone.
In Session 2, we’ll discuss how you can master this thing we call “email”! I have tips that will help you with your subject lines, overall message, how to improve your response rates, and a few tactics that will forever change the way you approach emails going forward! Oh, and I just created (as in today) 15 new templates that I’ll throw in just for sh*ts and giggles.
In Session 3, we’re going to talk about how you can use creativity to stand out and capture the attention of your prospects. I’ll share numerous real-life examples of what sales reps have been using during the pandemic as well as a bonus PDF with over 30 more creative prospecting ideas!
In Session 4, I’m going to show you how to put everything together into an all caps EPIC prospecting campaign. We’ll explore a lethal tactic called “Mixing and Mapping” and I’m even going to write out a complete, 10 touch, prospecting campaign for you complete with phone scripts, email, and LinkedIn templates.
Bonus Session #1 Getting Your Sh*t Together
I’m going to send out a special bonus session the week before the course begins.
In this pre-recorded session, we’re going to address something that kills more sales reps than you can ever imagine . . .
Our inability to get (and keep) our prospecting efforts on the calendar!
Bonus Session #2 How To Generate More Leads Via LinkedIn
In this pre-recorded bonus session we explore how you can generate leads on LinkedIn WITHOUT having to write content, posts videos, and most of all;
Without being salesy!
We meet each Wednesday, from 11:30 am EST to 12:30 pm EST for 4 weeks starting April 21st
Time out! Don’t forget that we deliver it live and then share the recording later that day. Go at your own pace!
Join us from your favorite chair!
Would you like to save $50?
If you sign up before Friday, April 2nd, at 5:00 pm EST your cost is only $249. That’s a $50 savings from the $299 price tag you’ll see come 5:01 pm on the 2nd!