Paul Castain's Blog

A FREE Cold Email Template That Captures The Decision Maker’s Attention

Posted January 15, 2025

I came across an interesting cold email template and I wanted to share it with you.

I’d like for you to read it and then I’ll share what I like about it.

Hi (Name),

Did you have a chance to check out the info I sent you last week? I know, you’re probably thinking

But we can change that! I promise to reach out again on (day and time) to share a few ideas that might help with (trigger event).

Talk with you then (name)

(Your name)

Here’s what I liked about this email;

It utilizes a pattern interrupt because it doesn’t follow the typical trajectory of a cold email.

The GIF serves as a speed bump in that it slows down the tendency to scroll through an email.

The email takes something that would normally be viewed as a hindrance (the recipient having no clue who you are) and it celebrates it with humor. Always use what you’ve been given; even if it’s a crap sandwich!

The call to action (I modified) is actually a “reverse call to action” meaning we aren’t asking the recipient to do anything and;

We’re creating anticipation for our upcoming call by promising to share some ideas.

By promising to share additional information that might help with a specific trigger event, you’ve taken the cold out of the email and;

The upcoming call.

Finally, we need templates like this one in our arsenal to change things up with our prospects.

When we just keep sending the same tired and typical emails;

We condition the prospect to disregard and delete us!

FREE: Would You Like 3 Templates You Can Use To Generate At Least 3 Extra Appointments Each Week without cold calling?

I’ve been leveraging a prospecting system that, since I started using it in 2010, has helped me generate at least 3 extra appointments each week.

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I include 3, warm, (not cold), email templates and a brief guide;

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Castain Training Systems
(631) 455-2455
Paul Castain, Founder & CEO

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