Paul Castain's Blog

How To Turbocharge A Cold Email!

Posted September 10, 2021

Just out of curiosity, with all that’s going on in the world right now, do you think people are a tad more;




And even more likely to cling to the status quo while embracing a “wait and see” attitude?

And that’s why you need to use social proof!

What is social proof?

It’s a concept that people will adapt their behavior based on what the masses (particularly their peers) are doing.

This is particularly powerful right now with the pandemic and the uncertainty involved, so;

We look to the crowd, the industry, our peers;

To see what they’ve been doing and if it validates something we’ve been considering.

An example of social proof and how you can use it in a cold sales email.


Your prospect is buying YOU first, so;

When you use a testimonial make sure the testimonial mentions YOU and not just your company, widget, solution, etc.

Most of all;

Provide a testimonial from someone that you’ve been able to help during the pandemic.


Because it shows that others have taken action and were rewarded with BETTER results because they bought from YOU!

There are additional ways to provide social proof and “evidence” to reduce hesitation, doubt, and skepticism in your emails.

I share them in our How To Prospect During Uncertain Times download!

It’s a download complete with 75+ tactics, 10 email templates, 10 LinkedIn templates, subject lines, phone, and email scripts;


Here’s what you’ll gain access to;

Session I: 7 Approaches To Prospecting That Are Incredibly Relevant Right Now.

Where the “money” is right now and one counterintuitive approach 99% of your competitors haven’t thought of.

A thought process that smart companies utilized during the last recession that changed their results dramatically.

A philosophy American Express pioneered that could work wonders for you right now!

How to REALLY get on your prospect’s radar screen WITHOUT being gimmicky or insensitive.

Session II: Retooling Your Cold Calls.

3 phone scripts designed for prospecting during the pandemic. And yes, I’ll send you the templates.

3 voicemail scripts that are relevant to what your prospects are concerned with, right NOW. What? You’d like the templates? Done!

How to respond to a new wave of phone objections and stalls without being insensitive about it! And just for the heck of it, we’ll have a little chat about what to say when someone gives you hell for prospecting “at a time like this”.

How to create “mental body armor” and avoid burnout!

Session III: How To Utilize Emails and LinkedIn In A Way That Adds Value.

Why emails crash and burn during times like these and what you can do IMMEDIATELY, to change that.

10 emails that have been created to help you communicate more effectively during Covid-19. Will I send you the templates? Hell to the YES!

A PDF With 10 Subject Lines

The hidden LinkedIn tactic that will make you a star with your network, NOW more than ever!

What you should do INSTEAD of putting endless hours into posting content.

10 LinkedIn templates that will help you stand out with your network.

Session IV: Creating A Prospecting Cadence That’s Helpful, Caring, and Incredibly Effective!

The 5 components of your cadence that MUST be adjusted during Covid-19

3, count ’em, 3, pre-made prospecting cadences, complete with templates, scripts, etc.

A tactic that creates anticipation for your next call, email, etc.


Download it instantly and go at your own pace!

What’s Included?

(4) 60-75 Minute Prerecorded Training Sessions

(3) Phone Scripts

(3) Voicemail Scripts

(10) Email Templates

Bonus PDF With 10 Attention-Getting Subject Lines

(10) LinkedIn Templates

Personalized Feedback After Each Session When You Hand In Your Homework Assignment.

Email Access To Paul Castain To Answer Any Course Related Questions

How Much?


Click HERE to gain access!

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Castain Training Systems
(631) 455-2455
Paul Castain, Founder & CEO

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