Paul Castain's Blog

I Wish EVERY Sales Kick-Off Meeting Ended This Way! (Sales Meetings Too)

Posted October 28, 2018

This is the time of year when many sales leaders are knee deep in planning their January “Sales Kick-Off” meetings.

While there are many things you need to consider (like hiring a kick ass speaker) there’s one, absolutely NON NEGOTIABLE thing you need to include but;

Before you decide to blow this blog post off because you AREN’T having a kick off;

You might want to consider this tip for your team meetings in general.


Here it is . . .

Get the “action verbs” flowing at the close of the meeting

In other words . . .

Have everyone flag at least one take away and then;

Create at least one ACTION item and then (this is the critical part)

Get it on their calendar IMMEDIATELY

Otherwise you might want to conclude your meeting with an “AMEN” because all you did was facilitate a group prayer!

For small groups, I like to go around the room and have everyone give us a 30 second commitment (right in front of their peers) It removes the BS and makes everyone ACCOUNTABLE!

You can actually kick this up a notch . . .

Pair everyone up in two’s and make them “Accountability Partners”.

As Accountability Partners, you check in with each other, regularly to, well, hold each other accountable, offer advice and resources etc.

These action items should also be emailed to the sales leadership team so they can help, support, and;

Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

Hold the rep accountable!

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time slacking when I know I have to face someone regularly, who’s going to hold me accountable.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how you keep a sales kick-off meeting (and your regular team meetings) from becoming a glorified lecture!

Hire Paul To Speak At Your Kick-Off Meeting

CastainBanner - Copy (2)I help sales reps, sales leaders and business owners sell more. To learn how, click HERE. For speaking availability and rates, email me


Paul Castain Sept 2015

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