Paul Castain's Blog

Prospecting and The “23 Minute” Rule

Posted February 3, 2024

I have a riddle for you;

Who DOESN’T have 23 minutes, 15 seconds to get back on task?


That person you’re about to cold call!

According to a study by the University of California, Irvine, 23 minutes, 15 seconds, is the average amount of time, it takes for a person to get back on task, after an interruption in activity!

So if you have, even the lowest level decision maker, receiving even a minimal amount of cold calls, you have someone who just lost a major chunk of their day.

This is why so many people DON’T answer their phones, and when they do;

This is why we get “Default Blow Offs” like “No thanks, we’re all set” “Send me some information” etc.

And this is why;

  1. You had better compel them with something worthy of that 23 minute interruption!
  2. You had better have forms of outreach to complement your phone efforts.
  3. You had better have a well thought out, communication plan that helps you “court” a potential client, over an extended period of time.
  4. YOU had better be mindful of allowing interruptions to occur during your outbound calls. Losing an average of 23 minutes, per interruption, is a great way to trash your productivity, no? I would even argue, that you subconsciously embrace those interruptions, to avoid the discomfort of the call.

So go ahead and ponder those things and better yet, discuss them with your sales team, and;

If you’d like a little (or even a lot) of help with your prospecting (so you can ROCK “The 23 Minute Rule”), then you might want to download this prospecting resource.

There are 50 templates from email, to cold call openers, to LinkedIn, and;

25 ChatGPT prospecting prompts designed to give you UNLIMITED messaging options! 

There are also 8 prospecting tutorials:

  • How To Create An Effective Prospecting Plan
  • 20 Ways To Create Opportunities
  • Meticulous Pre-Call Planning
  • How To Avoid and Overcome Phone Objections
  • 10 Cold Email Tactics That Will Get Your Prospect’s Attention
  • How To Generate More Opportunities Via LinkedIn
  • The 8 Tactics To Use When Potential Clients AREN’T Returning Your Calls
  • How To Prospect With ChatGPT  

What’s Included?

(8) 60-90 Minute Pre-Recorded Training Modules 

Over 50 Phone, Email, and LinkedIn Templates

25 ChatGPT Prospecting Prompts

Email Support For Any Course Related Questions As You Go Through Each Module

How much?

These modules have sold separately for $99 each, and there are 8 of these bad boys which should bring the total to $792, but;

It’s February, and everyone is still licking their wounds from Christmas, so let’s make it $499 so you can get a little post-holiday relief!

Click HERE to gain access!

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Castain Training Systems
(631) 455-2455
Paul Castain, Founder & CEO

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