Paul Castain's Blog

These LinkedIn Mistakes Will Cost You!

Posted March 21, 2024

In the 16 years that I’ve been on LinkedIn, I’ve seen (and made) some EPIC mistakes.

Here are the top 5 in no particular order;

Connecting With Someone and Then Doing NOTHING! I’ve seen maybe 5% of my network, make any attempt to keep in touch after they sent me an invite.

What percentage of your network do YOU interact with? Are you staying in touch, regularly?

You MUST make deposits BEFORE you can make a withdrawal.

Confusing “Liking” Someone’s Status Update and The Occasional Comment As Real Interaction. First, there’s nothing wrong with “liking” and leaving comments, you just need to know that it isn’t enough.

You should be sending along no-strings-attached resources, making introductions, and for the bonus point, talking with them so you can really CONNECT with that connection.

Connecting With Someone and Either Immediately Hitting Them With a Pitch or Pitching Them Too Frequently. I’m thinking I don’t need to spell this one out.

Being Non-Responsive To Your Network When They Reach Out To You. I want to be very clear with this one. I’m not saying that you owe someone a response when they are sending you nothing but spam, I’m saying it’s flat out RUDE to ignore someone in your network.

Life is about give and take, and it’s not asking you to give much when all we’re talking about is giving someone a response.

It’s also rather shallow to ignore people in your network when you DON’T need them, then suddenly become responsive when you find yourself between jobs or under the gun to make your sales quota.

You MUST make deposits BEFORE you can make a withdrawal!

Believing That You Should NEVER Sell On A Social Network. This is by far, the BIGGEST line of crap being fed to you.

People get almost indignant over the notion that a salesperson would actually try to sell you something. 

Oh, the humanity! A salesperson is trying to sell! Next thing you know we’ll have IT people doing “IT things”, and Admin Assistants doing “admin things”.

This next part is important;

This idea that somehow,  if you provide “value” and give, give, give, your network will take notice and reward you with business, is a MYTH!

More often than not, you condition a bunch of takers and wind up being “friendzoned” by your network. By all means, give to them first, but don’t wait for your network to beat a path to your door to deliver money to you. Feel free to sell, don’t be a jerk about it.

So there you have it . . .

5 LinkedIn mistakes that WILL cost you business!

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