Paul Castain's Blog

A Big Change I Wanted To Tell You About

Posted January 10, 2019

For the last 10 years I’ve created over 3,000 blog posts, 245 podcasts, and heaven knows how much content on social media.

In addition, I’ve offered a new public webinar every 2 weeks since 2016.

I’ve done it all myself WITHOUT the help of an assistant, an internal staff, or outsourcing it.

As you can imagine, it takes an incredible amount of time to do all that and I’ve reached a rather difficult decision.

Come February, I’ll be putting the brakes on in the following ways;

First, I don’t have anything scheduled as far as webinars go once February hits.

I will reduce the amount of blog posts to possibly 1-2 a week but quite frankly, I’d like to reduce it further.

Podcasts will be reduced to 3 times per month with the ultimate goal of once to twice each month.

Social media, I’ve already reduced my posts on LinkedIn but will reduce all platforms to once to twice daily.

The reason for this comes down to bandwidth and return on investment.

I’m not seeing the return in these areas, so I’d rather focus some of that energy elsewhere.

The reason for the reduction in the amount of webinars I’m offering is that while the money is certainly there, I no longer have the time to do it.

I’d rather focus on the release of one, kick-ass public course per year, and focus the rest of my time on acquiring corporate clients.

This isn’t goodbye nor is it a screw you to my readers;

I believe in constantly looking at what we’re doing and making sure those things still make sense.

In my case, these things still make sense, but in a reduced fashion.

The other reason why I’m sharing this is because many of you might be looking at the Rock Star Academy Program with the idea that you’ll just catch another one of my programs in 2 weeks or perhaps in 4 weeks.

Unfortunately this, and a webinar I’m offering on the 17th is all I have scheduled at this point.

Tomorrow is the last day if you’d like to enroll in our Rock Star Academy Program.

The program consists of 13 prerecorded modules, 150 tactics, 30 templates, 13 PDF’s, 3 eBooks, assignments, etc.

It’s designed to help you;

Get in front of more opportunities

Take better control of those opportunities

Close more of those opportunities

Here’s a session by session break down;

Session 1: Creating An Effective Prospecting Plan

Session 2 : 20 Ways To Create Opportunities

Session 3: Meticulous Pre-Call Planning

Session 4: Cold Emails That Get Opened, Read, and Responded To

Session 5: A Cure For The Common Cold Call.

Session 6: Social Selling Tactics

Session 7: Network Like A Pro

Session 8: How To ROCK Your Referrals

Session 9: How To Get Your Dream Client’s Attention

Session 10: Creating A Kick-Ass Prospecting Cadence

Session 11: How To Take Control Of Your Prospect Meetings

Session 12: Presenting Your Solutions With IMPACT!

Session 13: Negotiate Like A Pro


You’ll get your first prerecorded session on Monday, January 14th, and then a new session will arrive every Monday after that. Go at your own pace!

What’s included?

(13) 45-90 Minute Pre-Recorded Sessions Delivered Once to Twice Per Week Starting January 14, 2019

Worksheets For Each Session

Homework Assignments

Templates (Actually A Ton Of Templates)

3 Bonus e-Books

Email Access To Paul Castain To Answer Any Course Related Questions and To Get Feedback On Your Assignments.

What’s the investment?



Registration is about to end so click HERE ASAP to secure your spot in this program.


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Castain Training Systems
(631) 455-2455
Paul Castain, Founder & CEO

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