Paul Castain's Blog

Hey Sales Reps, Do You Have This Level Of Accountability?

Posted September 7, 2018

I want you to be completely honest about something.


No sugar coating your answer.


How many people in your professional life are willing and actually;

Hold You Accountable?

If you’re lucky you thought of one and it’s probably your boss but;

I’m not talking about accountability in the context of just results;

How about action items that lead to the results?

And do they REALLY hold you accountable or do you have a conversation, make some empty promises, fail to deliver on the promises and;

You never speak of these things again?

That’s a bullsh*t session NOT accountability!

A great coach doesn’t accept excuses especially;

When they’re riddled with BS!

A great coach keeps you on task when you lose focus. Quite frankly, we’re all over the damn place as reps and need to refocus from time to time, and;

A great coach WILL call you out when you aren’t doing your part.

Sometimes coaches don’t care enough to do those things.

Many times they’re too busy or lack the systems to stay on top of those things.

Sometimes coaches simply don’t know how to do those things tactfully or;

Perhaps they lack the balls because they’re afraid of losing you?

So when people find out that I offer sales coaching and they ask me why people typically hire me;

Aside from my 35 years of (in the trenches) experience;

It’s because I never waver when it comes to holding my coaching clients accountable.

Here’s what I’d like for you to do;

If you’re a sales rep and you DON’T have this type of relationship with your boss;

What can you do to create it?

If you’re in a sales leadership role;

What can you do to add accountability to the coaching you offer your team.

And what the heck;

To learn more about my one on one coaching program, click HERE.

A little accountability can help you end 2018 strong!

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